marți, 8 iulie 2008

Echipa SFG la padure

Duminica, dupa party-ul din Angels, am plecat cu o parte din echipa BAAR care organizeaza SFG-ul la padure sa ne distram printr-un "team building". Iata cam ce a iesit… duminica viitoare reeditam actiunea… si speram sa fim toti. Iar pentru cine e interesat sa vina cu noi, ii asteptam. Pentru mai multe informatii apelati-ne la id-ul de mess bubuu_boyy sau

vineri, 4 iulie 2008

Tu esti artistul!

Dupa cum stiti, in octombrie va avea loc la Cluj cea de-a cincea editie a Festivalului de Film "Serile Filmului Gay" la care echipa organizatoare lucreaza deja de doua luni de zile. Festivalul, organizat de Be An Angel Romania, se vrea o punte de legatura intre comunitatea noastra si ceilalti, societatea civila in general. Ne-am propus ca prin intermediul artei, oamenii sa ne descopere asa cum suntem, adica...normali, cu nimic diferiti fata de ceilalti majoritari.

Dar festivalul asta e si festivalul tau. Tocmai pentru asta ne-am gandit si la o expozitie la care TU esti artistul! O expozitie fotografica cu aspecte din viata cotidiana a persoanelor LGBT (lesbi, gay, bisexuali, transgender).

Daca esti destul de curajos, creativ si ai spirit artistic, trimite-ne pozele tale (in format digital) ce privesc aspecte din viata ta si a prietenilor tai (inclusiv cu acordul scris al tuturor al celor din poze pentru a aparea in aceasta expozitie) pana cel tarziu 1 august la urmatoarea adresa de e-mail:

Si, pentru ca poate esti interesat de mai multe informatii despre acest festival international care se intampla la Cluj, poti sa accesezi zilnic site-ul festivalului la

joi, 3 iulie 2008

Guidelines & Regulations & Submission form

Serile Filmului Gay FILM FESTIVAL / Gay Film Nights FILM FESTIVAL este inscris in iar inscrierea filmelor se poate face de catre producatori direct, folosind asadar si noi binecunoscutul sistem folosit deja de marile festivale din lume.

Adresa SFG pe este:

Si tot azi a fost finalizat si regulamentul (este in engleza) iar formularul de inscriere poate fi gasit AICI.

Guidelines & Regulations
Electronic Submissions -

1. There is a regular deadline of August 10, 2008 - with no entry fee. Submissions postmarked after the day mentioned above will be taken into consideration for the next edition of the festival.
2. Films and videos should be of interest to lesbians, gay men, bisexual, intersex and/or transgendered people. We seek feature, narrative, documentary, experimental films and videos. Works mustn’t have already been exhibited publicly or broadcasted on television in Romania.
3. Rough cuts and works-in-progress are eligible for submission; it is the filmmaker’s responsibility to clearly indicate at the point of submission that their work is a "work in progress".
4. VHS and DVD screeners (PAL) are the preferred formats for submission. Preview screeners must be clearly labeled with the title of the work, running time, filmmaker’s name, and contact telephone number. Please test consumer-burnt DVDs on several makes and models of players before submitting to our office.
5. A completed entry form must be included with every submission. If you submit more than one entry, please complete a separate submission entry for each additional title submitted.
6. Mail the preview DVD or VHS cassette (PAL) with a transcript of dialogues and commentaries for our selection committee before the 10th of August 2008.
7. Enclosing a more complex press kit with the submission (including photos) is strongly encouraged and will be required upon acceptance. JPEG stills must be 300 dpi (dots per inch) and can be sent to
8. Works in languages other than English must be subtitled for their exhibition at the Festival. English subtitles are strongly preferred for submission copies, but works in Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, German and French without subtitles will be taken for consideration.
9. By submitting your work to the Gay Film Nights Film Festival you grant the GFN a non-exclusive license to use an excerpt of your film (if selected) for up to 3 minutes on the TV and other promotional purposes. Stills and jpeg photographs supplied by makers may be used for promotional reasons, including but not limited to the program of the Festival, festival email blasts, festival press publicity and the website of the event. The Festival must be notified in writing of any press or photo restrictions.
10. The GFN Festival does not pay rental fees for the submitted works. Instead the organizers choose to invest the resources in producing the best possible showcase for the work of the producers and promoting that work as widely as possible.
11. The applicant must pay for the shipment of the exhibition materials for the Festival.
12. Submitted preview DVDs will not be returned. Previews will become part of the GFN archives or will be recycled.13. The Festival accepts no responsibility for the loss and damage of the programmed exhibition materials beyond carrier insured value during shipment to the Festival or back to the applicant. The Festival takes utmost care of your exhibition materials and provides limited recompense for any damage incurred during the screenings.
14. The Festival does not pay additional charges for original, master or special prints.
15. Awards. Programmed works may be considered for eligibility in the following awards competitions: Best Feature Film, Best Documentary Film, Best Short Film and Best Short Audience Awards. Other award competitions may be announced during the submission period.16. Trailers. Promote your work! We encourage the submission of film trailers for accepted narrative and documentary Features, for theatrical and web exhibition before and during the festival. Trailers should be maximum two minutes in length. 17. The Festival will not screen each title more than 3 times thorough the period of the festival, as stated in the international regulations.
18. GFN Film Festival will not screen the winning films more than 3 times thorough the period of the festival and immediately after it (when they will be presented in an LGBT-themed caravan in the community), as stated in the international regulations.
19. Entering a film/video implies the acceptance of the Festival’s submission guidelines and regulations.

marți, 1 iulie 2008

Primele filme pentru 2008

Deja au ajuns primele doua filme pentru SFG 2008. Sunt de scurt metraj si vin din Canada. "The Offering" si "Thick lips thin lips" sunt regizate de Paul Lee si au fost inscrise in competitie la sectiunea "filme de scurt metraj" de catre compania producatoare, Ganymedia Inc.

O parte din echipa 2T (tradus & titrat) s-a apucat deja de munca, motiv pentru ca... le uram succes, mai ales ca in urmatoarea saptamana sun asteptate nu mai putin de 10 alte pelicule.

Editie jubiliara de Festival Gay la Cluj-Napoca

Luna octombrie va fi marcata la Cluj-Napoca de organizarea celei de-a cincea editii a festivalului de film "Serile Filmului Gay" ("Gay Film Nights" Festival), festival a carui reputatie internationala creste de la an la an. Succesul de anul trecut i-a inspirat pe organizatori sa dezvolte evenimentul ca unul de prim rang si sa aduca pelicule din toate colturile lumii, la Cluj-Napoca.

"Aceiasi oameni. Aceleasi idealuri. Doar in aparenta diferiti!" este motto-ul editiei aniversale ce se va desfasura intre 13 si 19 octombrie 2008 in organizarea Be An Angel Romania, festivalul fiind un prilej de deschidere a comunitatii LGBT si a problematicii acesteia catre societatea romaneasca. "Prin intermediul artei incercam realizarea unei punti de comunicare si de cunoastere a oamenilor, indiferent de orientarea lor sexuala" spun organizatorii.In programul festivalului figureaza filme artistice cu tematica LGBT, o sectiune concurs, expozitii si spectacole, dezbateri, petreceri si alte evenimente surpriza. Ca in fiecare an, "Gala Premiilor Gay din Romania", va premia personalitatile vietii publice romanesti care s-au implicat sau au sprijinit comunitatea gay-lesbi din Romania.

Ca si la editiile precedente, intrarea va fi libera.Sunt asteptate productii pentru sectiunile: filme de lung metraj, documentare si filme de scurt metraj.

Cei interesati pot aplica pana la 1 octombrie 2008, la urmatoarele date de contact:
Be An Angel Romania
Str. Serpuitoare nr. 27
Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj, Romania
Site-ul festivalului: